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Eating Disorders

Anger Management

Bulimia Nervosa

When you have bulimia, you have episodes of bingeing and purging. During these episodes, you typically eat a large amount of food in a short duration and then try to rid yourself of the extra calories by vomiting or excessive exercise. You actually may be at a normal weight or even a bit overweight.

Full Article: Bulimia

Anorexia Nervosa

When you have anorexia nervosa (an-o-REK-see-uh nur-VOH-suh), you’re obsessed with food and being thin, sometimes to the point of deadly self-starvation.

Full Article: Anorexia


When you have binge-eating disorder, you regularly eat excessive amounts of food (binge). You may eat when you’re not hungry and continue eating even long after you’re uncomfortably full. After a binge, you may try to diet or eat normal meals, triggering a new round of bingeing. You may be a normal weight, overweight or obese.

Full Article: Binge-Eating

Signs and Symptoms

Some Signs of Bulimia
  • Eating until the point of discomfort or pain, often with high-fat or sweet foods
  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Laxative use
  • Excessively exercising
  • Unhealthy focus on body shape and weight
  • Having a distorted, excessively negative body image
  • Going to the bathroom after eating or during meals
  • Feeling that you can’t control your eating behavior
Some Signs of Anorexia
  • Refusing to eat and denying hunger
  • An intense fear of gaining weight
  • Negative or distorted self-image
  • Excessively exercising
  • Flat mood or lack of emotion
  • Preoccupation with food
  • Social withdrawal
Signs of Binge-Eating
  • Eating to the point of discomfort or pain
  • Eating much more food during a binge episode than during a normal meal or snack
  • Eating faster during binge episodes
  • Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
  • Frequently eating alone
  • Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset over the amount eaten


Welcome to our counseling services page. Here you can find a variety of counseling services that are tailored to meet your particular needs. While we are primarily focused on the services listed below a comprehensive list can be found by clicking on the learn more link below.


A dual paradigm approach that fosters group interaction and personalized care.

We believe in follow up and follow through; client convenience; planning, and caring. We believe in connecting, building, and maintaining clear communication. Supporting your needs and values; we work through your worldview, your lens for viewing the world. This allows us to provide a supportive and familiar environment. This is just one of the ways in which we provide you with personalized care.

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